Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 1: Self Portrait

Sitting outside at the end of a beautiful day and soaking up these last few moments of summer.


  1. Love it! Love the glasses too :)

  2. Ohh the pensive face ;) You are so beautiful! I say that in the least creepiest way possible (but, you know, knowing me it's still slightly creepy mwahaha).

  3. This picture is how I think of you (uh...not meant to be creepy like Jae's comment was) -- quiet and thoughtful but strong and confident at the same time. Love the watch.

  4. It captures you perfectly. Well, one side of you. That pic of you making a funny face and wearing the yellow and blue scarf that Chloe took shows your other half:)

  5. thanks ladies. I am very content these days. maybe that is finally shining through.
