Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 7: Something New

New Growth.

Whoever landscaped this yard did an amazing job. I always have new flowers blooming and it is green everywhere I look. I love it. I didn't think the grapevines were ever going to start producing fruit but two weeks ago I saw some itty bitty grapes make their debut. Think I can make my own wine?


  1. I looove how baby grapes look. Been thinking about planting some next year. Very adorable.

  2. I think those ARE wine grapes. You need a barrel. Get stompin'!

  3. No fair! I'm still waiting for my grapes to grow. I can't wait to try and make my own wine! Great shot :)

  4. When you make your wine, you can just send a bottle on down here to me. Happy stomping!

  5. Ha! If anyone can pull off grape stomping while looking elegant at the same time, it's you.
